Black tea

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If you need a reliable supplier of tea at the wholesale price, the team ChafeyKo ready to help. Buy tea without a broker at an affordable price can on the website. When ordering, let's see what kind of discount you get. Customers are divided into three categories: small wholesale, average wholesale and large wholesale. For example, buying a large wholesale tea, get 1% discount.
About black tea:
Black tea is inferior only to water. The birthplace of this product is China. Legend has it that even in the III Millennium BC, the great Shen-Nunu, the patron of medicine tasted the infusion of leaf tea tree, appreciating the taste and invigorating properties. For the first time in China appreciated the tea and elevated to the rank of Holy equal to the drink, creating a tea ceremony. Tea ceremony first appeared during the reign of the song dynasty, and was named 'Song dynasty'.
Black tea is divided into three types: sheet, powder, solid. From all the other varieties of tea, black, different way of processing. The secret is that the tea leaves turn a dark color and exquisite aroma, which is manifested in the process of brewing tea by fermentation. With this treatment useful the taste and aromatic properties remain inside the leaf. Dehydration occurs due to which the tea safely tolerate long-term storage and transportation.
In Europe tea appeared relatively recently - in the 17th century, but won a sufficient number of admirers. Today there are many tea ceremonies, but the principle of the preparation remains unchanged. Tea leaves, pour boiling water and infuse for up to 7 minutes, with the exception of black PU-erh. PU'er is brewed using the same technology, which is brewed and coffee. Drinking black tea can be in pure form or Supplement components: cream, milk, sugar, lemon and so on. It gives the tea a peculiar touch of charm.