Tea Greenfield Classic Breakfast 25x2g

Brand: Greenfield
Product Code: 1507
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Black Tea Collection: Classic Breakfast Valuable varieties of tea from the best plantations of North India were the Greenfield Classic Breakfast basis. The tart juicy flavor, delicate aroma and a strong tonic effect ma... Read more...

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Manufacturer country - Ukraine
Country - Ukraine
Packing - Cardboard box
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Price: 3.06€
Total: 3.06€

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  • 15 or more 2.79€

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Black Tea Collection: Classic Breakfast Valuable varieties of tea from the best plantations of North India were the Greenfield Classic Breakfast basis. The tart juicy flavor, delicate aroma and a strong tonic effect make Greenfield Classic Breakfast ideal for morning tea. Experts around the world recognize that the black Indian tea has the strongest "wake-up" effect. And among the most exquisite Indian teas are recognized implicitly that grew and were harvested in the north, in the province of Assam, where the Himalayan mountains surround a lush valley Brahmaputra River. With monsoon moisture comes into the valley - in the summer day rainfall of 250-300 mm is not something extraordinary. Add to this the average temperature is 35 ° C and get a greenhouse: damp heat almost instantaneously destroys the Chinese variety of tea tree - Camelia sinensis, but could not be better suited to his Indian relative - Camelia assamica, the British discovered in the forests of the Indian province in 1823. However, the British found it empirically, when the seedlings are grown in the botanical garden in Calcutta from the seeds of Camelia sinensis began to die on the plantations, so painstakingly cleared directly in the jungle. The Indian variety of tea tree was the last British hope, because in the 1830s the Chinese emperor, angered smuggling opium, which was conducted in his country of the East India Company, has introduced a complete moratorium on the export of tea. The British Empire did not smile left without tea. Fortunately, Charles Bruce, employee, boss persuaded to try the local cultivation of tea bushes. The experiment proved successful - in 1838 the first batch of Assam tea has been very favorably received in London. Greenfield Classic Breakfast brilliantly continues the tradition started by the heroes who created the tea plantations, jungle fighting, the summer heat, winter frosts and wild animals - by the way, in Assam and today tigers and leopards. Classic Breakfast will give you a rich, dense taste, aroma and the thick viscous strikingly bright color infusion. According to one theory, Assam name comes from the Sanskrit asom - «extraordinary", "wonderful". Undoubtedly, these epithets are suitable for the best of the Indian tea, which is produced in the province.

Manufacturer country Ukraine
Country Ukraine
Packing Cardboard box
Type Black
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Weight Until 99g

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Tags: Tea, Greenfield, Classic, Breakfest, 2x25
