Tea Greenfield Flying Dragon 25x2g

Brand: Greenfield
Product Code: 1511
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Green Tea Collection: Flying Dragon thousand-year tradition of creating a Chinese green tea continues in the noble plantation Tea Greenfield Flying Dragon. Classic mild flavor and delicate floral aroma Flying Dragon Tea... Read more...

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Manufacturer country - Ukraine
Country - Ukraine
Packing - Cardboard box
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MINIMUM order quantity: 1
Price: 3.42€
Total: 3.42€

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  • 15 or more 3.10€

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5000,00 UAH.

Green Tea Collection: Flying Dragon thousand-year tradition of creating a Chinese green tea continues in the noble plantation Tea Greenfield Flying Dragon. Classic mild flavor and delicate floral aroma Flying Dragon Tea refreshes and invigorates and has a beneficial effect on the body. Unlike black tea, which the Europeans prefer, green tea has a long history - about two thousand years, historians suggest about five or - if you're willing to believe the legend. Within that time, the art of tea bushes growing and processing tea leaves has reached incredible heights. And every province in China has its own well-known brands of tea and its secrets processing. The flip side of this diversity is that the deal is only true professionals can in it. There among Chinese teas and really well-known varieties - such as green tea from Hunan province. This province is located at the intersection of major trade routes of ancient China: the Yangtze River and the road connecting Canton and Beijing. It seems that nature is specifically designed for this area of ​​tea bushes - nowhere else properties of soil, altitude and climate is not so favorable combination of form for Camelia Sinensis. Special taste of tea is harvested in the mountains, at an altitude of over 1,000 meters above sea level. Tea bushes at a height give medium-sized, but very tender leaves, which in turn processed into fine tea leaves of silvery color and cylindrical in shape. But the real magic of this tea is shown during welding: a thick aroma and yellowish infusion Greenfield Flying Dragon force, seems very soul of gourmet tea tremble in anticipation of his exquisite good taste.

Manufacturer country Ukraine
Country Ukraine
Packing Cardboard box
Type Green
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Weight Until 99g

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Tags: Tea, Greenfield, Flying, Dragon, 2x25
