Spicy and aromatic additive to tea
Spicy and aromatic additive to tea
Evergreen tree genus citrus family rue. In the wild state is unknown. The probable origin - from Southern China or South Vietnam. It grows only in tropical and subtropical zones. There are numerous varieties of oranges. The branches with thorns. The leaves are leathery, green, oblong ovate. The flowers are quite large, white, fragrant. Fruiting throughout the year, depending on local conditions. Yields may be 100-150 kg per mature tree.
The fruit, the appearance of which is well-known, rich in thick skinned with seeds. In taste it is superior to all other citrus fruits.
The outer layer of skin fruit bright orange color, called flavedo, contains a large number of spherical multicellular glands that produce essential oil. The second layer - a loose, white, sponge-like structure, called albedo. The fruits of various kinds of sugar, citric acid, vitamins C, B and R.Plody and orange juice is widely used in cooking and for a variety of drinks.
Bergamot, OIL
Bergamot - an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus, Rutaceae family. It grows in China, Southeast Asia, India, Ceylon, in the Mediterranean region, Abkhazia. Sometimes it is considered a kind of orange.
Peel his pear-shaped golden-yellow fruits and flowers, the leaves and young shoots are used to produce essential bergamot oil, which is why it bred specifically as a culture attar.
Bergamot oil, with its pleasant fresh scent is considered the best of all the essential oils obtained from citrus.
Since ancient times, Chinese tea flavored with oil of bergamot. Later this oil began to be used in perfumery. On the basis of bergamot oil in 1676 in the Italian city of Cologne was first produced "cologne" (literally: "the water from the colonies").
Colorless crystals with a specific smell.
Vanillin contained in the fruits of vanilla - orchid family plants, terrestrial or epiphytic vines. Vanilla grows in the tropics and has about 100 species, of which a few are cultivated for fruit containing vanillin. As fragrant vanilla flavorant is widely used in the food and perfume industry. Its mixture with powdered sugar (1: 100) called vanilla sugar. It is used in tea beverages.
The genus of shrubs and vines of the family of olive. There are about 300 species of jasmine, mainly in the tropics and subtropics. It grows in many countries, including in the southern regions of Russia. Widely used as an ornamental plant. It often occurs, including in central Russia, jasmine garden - wild, false. Only some types of jasmine (macranthon, allspice) are grown specifically for flower essential oil, which is used to flavor teas and perfumes.
Perennial evergreen shrub of the family Labiatae, reaching a height of 60 cm or more and with multiple shoots. The flowers are blue or bluish-purple bloom in June-August.
Homeland lavender - the mountain areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In the wild form is found on the slopes of the southern mountains of Italy, France, Spain and Greece. In Russia, it is cultivated in the Caucasus, the Kuban, in Central Asia as a medicinal, essential oil and ornamental plant. Used florets, cut one - one and a half weeks after the beginning of flowering. The smell of fresh and dried plant specific sharp, pleasant, somewhat acrid taste, spicy bitter. Wide application is found in the perfume industry, as well as a means of moth.
The inflorescences contained fresh essential oil (1.5%) of which main component is linalool and its esters. The leaves and stalks of the essential oil is also present, but in lesser amounts.
Lavender essential oil with antiseptic properties, used in the treatment of purulent wounds and gangrene, as well as to improve the smell of other dosage forms. Patricia Roman body rubbed lavender oil in an effort to protect themselves from infectious diseases. The flowers of lavender are used as a sedative, migraine, neurasthenia, palpitation, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and bladder.
In cooking, flowers and lavender oil use for salads, a variety of dishes and drinks. Also used as a wine flavor, other foods and beverages.
Evergreen tree like shrub of the genus citrus family rue. In the wild state is unknown. Homeland considered China and Japan. In Russia, winters in the open ground on the Black Sea coast. It is grown as bedroom culture.
The branches with thorns. The leaves are leathery, light green, oblong, lanceolate or ovate. The flowers are white, fragrant, small racemes, solitary or paired. The fruits of lemon is widely known. Yield - 15-30 kg with an adult tree. Used mature fruits that contain citric acid (3,5-8,1%), flavonoids, vitamin P, B, carotene, sugar, in the skin - an essential oil. Typically, 100 g of lemon fruit contain from 45 to 140 mg of vitamin C.
Due to high content of vitamins, especially C and P, lemon citrus stands out from all the greatest therapeutic effect. Lemon oil is used to improve the taste and odor of medicines.
Preparing many therapeutic drugs lemon - oil, tincture, syrup, fresh fruits and dried bark. Lemon juice - the first remedy for scurvy, and mixed with water it cures liver. The crust of lemon, cooked in sugar, is used to improve digestion. Lemon peel oil and widely used in the confectionery industry. No less widely lemon juice, it slices, slices, peel are used in a variety of beverages.
Rhode Limonnikova family of plants, which has 25 species and grows mainly in Southeast Asia and in the Far East. Especially known Chinese magnolia vine, which is a woody vine, reaching 8 m in length, it is the birthplace of China and Japan. It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests of the Far East. It is cultivated in some parts of the middle zone of European Russia and western Siberia. Stems, roots and fruits when grinding smell lemon. Ripe fruit used, which contain about 20% of various acids and various types of sugars, minerals, vitamins, in particular vitamin C.
By stimulating effect on the human body is compared with lemongrass ginseng. Popular infusion of lemongrass. Use it and in perfumery.
Genus of small trees and shrubs of the family of pink, which has up to 40 species. It grows in Asia Minor, the Caucasus, North and Central America.
Flowers solitary. Fruit - drupe dry, usually pubescent pericarp, cracked after ripening on the two flaps. Bone (almond) is smooth, reticulate-grooved or perforated, is separated from the pericarp. The seed (kernel), bitter or sweet, with membranous skin. Cultivate almonds ordinary. With wood harvested fruits April 5 kg or more.
Dried Almonds contain 57% fat, 15% protein, 16% carbohydrates, and are one of the richest plant sources of these components.
Fruits are sweet almond varieties are used fresh, as well as in the confectionery industry, including for almond oil. Almond oil - mild laxative, is also the basis of a number of ointments. Shell almonds used to touch-up the production of wine and brandy.
Perennial bushy herb of the family Labiatae, which has 20-25 species and grows widely in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. Well propagated vegetatively rhizomes segments and segments of young tops of the stems.
As a spice used all over peppermint and spearmint. Peppermint has been bred in England in the XVII century. by hybridization of wild species, and since then cultivated in many countries, including Russia, as a medicinal and aromatic plants. Especially popular in England, Germany, USA, where the widely used food. Use the leaves, which are collected in the budding phase and the beginning of flowering plants. They bear a strong sweet fragrance, have a sharp burning taste with long-lasting sensation of cold in the mouth, stimulate appetite.
Mint leaves contain essential oil with a refreshing aroma and a pleasant taste: its main component - menthol. That he is a local analgesic, antispasmodic and antiseptic, which causes a reflex extension of the coronary vessels. The positive effect of angina, pain in the stomach and intestines.
In some countries, mint leaves are used as a tea or a decoction for diseases of the digestive tract, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, neuralgia, insomnia, migraine. Mint is a part of herbal teas:. Digestive, choleretic, diaphoretic, sedative and other fresh and dried leaves and flowers are used as a seasoning for salads, soups, vegetable and meat dishes, to flavor sauces. In many countries, especially in the US, or a sprig of fresh mint leaf - an indispensable part of the infusion of tea and decoration glass of tea.
This is the collective name of several spices with high and persistent aromaticity, which include black pepper, Jamaican, Japanese pepper, grains of paradise. They all come from the tropics of Asia and America.
Black pepper as the most common - the fruit of tropical shrubs and vines Capsicum family is originally from India. This is - a perennial plant with scansorial poluoderevenevshim flexible thin stalk of 10-12 m length and aerial roots, formed at the nodes. Leaves simple, alternate, leathery, ovate. The flowers are small, white or serozheltye. Fruit - drupe rounded single seed (3-5 mm in diameter), green, blushing when ripe, dried - black.
The type and properties of black pepper is widely known for its continued use in the preparation of a lot of different dishes and even drinks. The sharpness and spice it depends on the content of the alkaloid piperine, and essential oils. Jamaican pepper is also a pea, but Dvata - When times larger than black pepper. It has both aroma of black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg. Japanese pepper - box with two doors and a dark little seed inside. It has a strong citrus scent. Grains of paradise (Malagueta) - dry seeds with pungent taste and strong specific aroma.
Saffron - genus of perennial herbs of the family kasatikovyh. There are about 80 species of saffron, which is common in Europe, the Near East and Central Asia, the Caucasus and some other regions of Russia. Many species are grown as ornamental. Crocus sativus - a perennial tuber-bulbous plant, cultivated as a spice and for coloring foods. They used the dried stigmas of the pistil, which have a specific flavor and give flavor foods and beverages. A small amount of saffron powder according to special recipes added to coffee or tea, which is especially made in a number of Arab countries.