Tea Greenfield

Imagine the perfect tea.
Its unmistakable bouquet is rich in shades, infusion - a deep and bright flavor - delicate and expressive.
In every sip of this tea connoisseur knows perfection: the best of the new and expected that creates pleasure.
Harmony beautiful bouquet of tea - is indivisible and integrity, recognizable and unique.
Such tea GREENFIELD in every incarnation.
Black Tea Collection
Each country, which produces tea (such as in the world around forty) boasts a few features the famous varieties. Collection Greenfield Black Tea combines teas originating from special plantations where strictly complied with all the subtleties of tea cultivation and processing technology, which for this amazing plant created the best conditions.
Green Tea Collection
In ancient China, green tea is considered as "a means of connection of the soul and of human nature." tea processing methods, honed over many centuries, retain all the natural energy of the tea leaves and allow to enjoy the natural Green Collection bouquet perfection.
Herbal Tea Collection
Collection of Greenfield herbal tea - is the desire to expand the horizons kanona.Eto - another view of the tea, the new and somewhat unexpected subsistence traditional drink. This is another facet of enjoyment, which we may not even suspect, is the taste of the exotic, spiced with romance discoveries ...

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