Instant coffee, dry
Instant coffee, dry
From roasted coffee tree, prepare the drink - coffee. Coffee contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect.
In 1899, Swiss chemist Max Morgentaller created instant coffee. Instant coffee came into use in 40-x of the XX century.
It should be noted that very few people regularly drink it real coffee beans. Most prefer its soluble counterpart.
It is faster and easier to prepare, but taste of instant coffee is inferior to the present. In addition, we show that it contains large amounts of caffeine. For this reason, it is best to use coffee beans, it is healthier and tastier.
The main active ingredient in coffee is caffeine. This alkaloid also found in tea leaves, seeds, coffee and cola nuts.
It is proved that caffeine has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It is usually used as a stimulant. Caffeine leads to increased excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. He is able to increase motor activity, mental and physical performance. Caffeine in the right doses can remove fatigue and drowsiness. But its overdose can contribute to the depletion of nerve cells.