Description of black tea

Black tea due to its excellent taste qualities is considered to be the second most popular drink after water.
Description of black tea
     Black tea, as well as red, white or green, is obtained from the leaves of the Chinese Camellia (Camellia sinensis). Homeland of this shrub is China, where even in the days of the Han Dynasty it was used for medicinal purposes. According to legend, the discovery of the healing properties of tea belongs to the Great Shen-Nunu, the patron of medicine, crafts, art and agriculture. Even in the third millennium BC He tried the herbal infusion, which accidentally hit a tea tree leaves, and appreciated his excellent taste and refreshing properties. Since then, not only Nen-Nun, but other Chinese people preferred it to all other beverages.
     During the reign of the Tang Dynasty Chinese tea has become so popular that came up with a special tea rules on which Lu Yu wrote "The Canon of tea." In those days, the tea leaves are pre-treated and shaped into briquettes. According to Canon before eating cake had to be crushed to a powder, pour in the water and add the salt to the beverage
  Leaf and powdered teas they used during the Song Dynasty, when the formation of a new culture of tea drinking - Song Dynasty tea ceremony, later borrowed by Japan, where the drink became popular after the 9th century it tasted Emperor Saga. Europe conquered tea rather late - only in the 17th century. Due to the fact that Chinese traders selling tea is quite expensive, Europeans began to cultivate this plant in their own colonies - in India, Ceylon, Kenya, etc.
     Black tea is different from other kinds of processing method. The tea leaves are fermented, acquiring a dark color and exquisite flavor, full of a wide variety of shades - from walnut notes to unexpected floral bouquets. This process takes up to a month. Then the leaves are oxidized by 80%, dried at enhanced circulation of hot air. As a result, flavoring conserved within the sheet, and its true smell occurs only during brewing.
   Thus treated, tea has earned immense popularity in the world not only because of the remarkable flavor and restorative properties, but also because of the hardships endured lengthy transportation, and without changing its flavor and qualities could be stored for years. That black grade (on Chinese classification - red) take the lion's share, up to 90% of world production of tea. The leader of the tea industry considered Lipton, PG Tips - trademarks of Unilever.
     The most famous black teas - Keemun, Assam, dianhong, Yunnan, Darjeeling, etc. In China, this black tea is considered grade Puer. The size of the tea leaf and a method for machining black tea is divided into the following types:
tselnolistovoy high-grade, which include yew, pekoy, ornazh and orange-pekoy
Medium from broken or cut leaves, has not so valuable and unusual taste, but has a strong astringency and rich aroma ester resins, brewed quickly crushed low-grade, obtained in the production of elite and middle grades, as a byproduct, which could be attributed to waste, if not learned from it to produce a fine granular, bags, tile, brick and powder.
     Tea can be further processed, for example, followed by fermentation, as a sort of Puer. Its bouquet can decorate a variety of spices and flavors such as jasmine, bergamot, lemon, etc.
     Tea ceremonies in different countries and in different nations have their own distinctive features. But the principle of cooking wonderful drink made from fermented leaves of Camellia sinensisv one for all. They poured boiling water and infuse for 7 minutes. Only a truly black pu-erh brewed coffee. Black tea can eat without adding no more than, or accompany the milk, sugar, cream, lemon, etc.
Useful properties of black tea
     Reasonable consumption of black tea (no more than 10 cups of 150 ml of flavored drinks per day) can help support the body in good shape. Moreover, the stimulatory effect will be more prolonged as compared with coffee. Flavored drink is able to return the strength and courage after the stress and hard working weekdays. Caffeine contained in it will support the work of the heart, kidneys and digestive system. Another useful substance present in tea - tinin inhibits the action of caffeine and, in turn, helps to quench your thirst.
   Rich in catechins (substances with antioxidant properties), black tea strengthens blood vessels, prevents bleeding and protects the body from exposure to radiation, but due to the large amount of fluoride that effectively protects teeth from cavities.
Besides black tea improves the digestibility of vitamin C, therefore, is for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, so for a long time, doctors recommend a cold drink tea with lemon.
Black tea: contraindications
     Do not take black tea, especially in the second half of the day, those who suffer from excessive anxiety or increased irritability. Tonic drink is contraindicated in hypertensive patients. If you take too much or too strong brewed it can cause constipation and cause an aggravation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, blurred vision.