Description green tea

Description green tea
     Green tea - is the color green in the dry state. It has a variety of shades: from silvery-green or golden-green with a dull sheen to dark green or olive oil, depending on the varieties of tea. Color is one of the basic, visual indicators of the quality of green tea. Overheating during drying green tea quality deteriorates, and this immediately affects the color of the leaves: it darkens the extent to which the quality has deteriorated. The lighter shade of green leaf, the higher the grade of green tea. Most varieties have a higher light green, pistachio color with golden or silvery sheen. In lower grades, as well as in old or poorly packaged, damaged green tea dirty - earthy, green.
     The main difference between green tea from black when it comes to flavor and aroma, is that there are no specific green tea "tea" smell and taste. Green tea has a tart, even in strong concentrations sharply astringent taste, taste slightly reminiscent of crushed grape seeds, but a more pleasant and more distinctive. This distinctive taste is accompanied by no less peculiar, extremely thin but strong flavor, slightly turns the mixture smell of freshly dried hay or wilted leaf strawberry and citrus leaves. Green teas are of poor quality, however, deprived of all these attractive shades of subtle flavor and give a sen
     Green teas from different countries considerably differ from each other by species, due to different national traditions in their production technology.
     The main problem in the manufacture of green tea is to save natural bioactive therapeutic substance fresh leaves so that they can be released into the cup of tea during brewing. Just this is the purpose of the entire process chain of manufacturing green tea.
     After collecting the freshly picked tea leaves are slightly podvyalivayut outdoors. The less time podvyalivaniya, the closer in its characteristics to green tea and white. Once the leaves are soft and faded look, their conventionally for some time in the hot air dried. This prevents excessive oxidation of the leaves (i.e. fermented) although some green teas can be slightly (2-3%) fermented. The drying process of green tea may also be varied (e.g., in a closed oven or over an open fire with a smoke), which makes a pleasing variety of flavors of green tea.
     After drying the tea leaves produced twisting. This procedure can also be performed in different ways, which makes many varieties of green tea unique appearance.
     Green tea may be of the form:
1. Slaboskruchennyh, "naturally-dried" with little leaf roll (in China - "hunchi"). They also include flat or "flattened" teas (a typical example - the famous tea "Lung Ching"), in which almost no twisted and curled tea leaves.
2. Silnoskruchennyh transverse leaf axis. Usually it is all teas, which are often labeled as Gunpowder ( "powder" or "gun powder", which is really in the times of British colonies had a peculiar kind of flakes or pellets). In China, such teas known as "pearl" ( "tyucha" or "tszucha") in Japan this form have many teas "sencha". Sami pearl tea in China is very diverse in terms of size and quality. For example, high-quality Chinese Gunpowder, including a lot of tips, can be labeled as "imperial" or "gold", and labeled as low-quality Twankay.
3. Silnoskruchennyh leaves along the longitudinal axis. This tea tea leaves are shaped like long, spirally twisted "sticks", "delay". A typical example of this tea is a Japanese tea "spider legs" (a separate subspecies of elite tea gekuro).
     Twisting the tea leaves on the one hand, greatly increases the storage time of welding, while maintaining its best qualities, and on the other hand, allows to adjust the twisting extraction of essential oils and other active components in the brewing process.
The stronger the twisted green tea, the higher the extract content. Thus, the most intense and strong green teas are derived from «gunpowder», and the most soft and fragrant taste - from slaboskruchennyh tea leaves.
Twisting green tea is usually done manually, while tea is not saturated with the juice until it darkens and the obtains dark green (sometimes with a bluish or bluish tint) color. In general, manual twisting one portion of green tea lasts about an hour.
In the final stage of preparation of green tea, after twisting, finally dried raw materials, which helps to stabilize flavors and nutrients of tea, and acquires natural green color. The quality dried green tea should be less than 4% moisture. The dried tea should have a natural green color, any darkening (brown, black, dark gray color of raw materials) - marriage or the result of improper storage. Experts note that the color of a good green tea can vary from bright green (almost emerald) to more faded pistachio, but in any case, the color quality of green tea should be fresh enough and bright.
powdered tea
     Brew green tea is recommended for hot water (60-90 C) for 1-3 minutes (some sort of exception brewed longer). After brewing the tea infusion can have color from light green or gold, to a fairly dark and rich green or yellow-green. Good green tea certainly has a bright aromatic bouquet, which is dominated by floral, citrus and "grassy" aromatic shades.
     If green tea was stored or low quality for too long, then flavor degenerates into too rough smell of "hay", losing the variety of shades. Green tea also contains a lot of caffeine, and it can start to taste bitter strongly at long brewing. Properly prepared green tea has (as compared to other varieties of teas) unique content of vitamins, minerals and nutrients (such as plant proteins).
     Green tea is produced and sold in the following varieties:
1. Large leaf
2. broken (Broken)
3. Tea
4. powder
     Broken-leaf green tea is usually quite cheap, it has a mild aromatic characteristics and mediocre taste. All high-quality green teas - large leaf. In China, some rare varieties can be assessed up to $ 400 per pound.
     Powdered Green Tea (mat-cha) - Japanese tea for the tea ceremony. Tea green tea - common in Tibet and Nepal. Tea tea is commonly used in specific types of recipes of soups - tea brewed with milk, flour and butter.