The machine restyling

To buy a coffee machine b/u manufactured and assembled in Italy brand in the Saeco ChafeyKo.
This brand takes the first place in popularity in the West among both office models and professional coffee machines. The machine are imported to Ukraine from Europe: Germany, Poland, Hungary etc. According to the technical information 'service life' of these machines up to 100 thousand servings of coffee. The Restyling machines, which the company offers with mileage: 5-25 thousand cups of coffee. Therefore, to repair these machines even 80-100 thousand servings equal to 80% of the 'margin of safety'. The proposed machine are required to undergo through a service center, there is inspection and replacement of parts that require replacement.
The task of the restyling of the coffee machines used:
· External inspection, replacement, painting or repair of body parts;
· Inspection and, if necessary, replaced with new internal parts that serve for the proper operation of the machine;
· Refinement – the improvement of the coffee machine, which is reflected in additional configuration, change the design, the extra features on the coffee machine, etc. – by agreement with the client;
· Health check after restyling;
· Descaling and decompensate apparatus.
This means that You do not acquire 'the cat in the bag' in the form of used equipment, as is happening in private. After all, in private, no one and no guarantee will not give – that product 'take it, I want – no'. In our situation You receive information and technical support on the purchased equipment. This is easily explained, because our specialists checked the incoming equipment and confident in the performance and reliability.
ChafeyKo offers to buy a coffee machine used in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa or another city of Ukraine, and our team will organize the delivery of a selected machine within a short time at the specified address.
Also all, without exception, are equipped with a coffee machine operating instructions (How to use the machine, read our article)
Coffee machine, Saeco make a Cup of your favorite cappuccino, latte, espresso or Americano with a thick foam. Cooking effortlessly in seconds with one click of a button. Among the assortment of ChafeyKo there is a coffee machine, working in the grain and combination grain and ground coffee.