Appearance, color, taste and aroma of tea
Appearance, color, taste and aroma of the tea
The appearance of tea
As you remember, the ceremony starts with an introduction to tea. And the first emotions experienced by the participant Gongfu-cha, associated with the appearance of dry welding. If a person participates in a ceremony for the first time, it is most often pretty surprising – fancy rolled Chinese tea can not help but admire. Experienced participant of the ceremonies at the sight of dry welding, as a rule, visits the quiet and peaceful joy he meets a tea, as an old friend, recognizing him and the anticipation of the pleasure that brings fellowship with him.
The following 'visual contact' with tea usually at the end of the ceremony unfolded when the tea leaves are removed from the kettle. Again, the novice and the master have different feelings. The novice surprised that those 'tea leaves' that he saw at the beginning of the tea party is the real tea flushes – two leaf and a Bud. And now he can see them, marveling at how artfully they have been discontinued. Experienced master view of the unfolding tea leaves delivers a relaxed fun predictable miracle, in which he was lucky enough to take part.
This, of course, the highlight of the ceremony. Or rather, not as much flavor and aroma as their simultaneous change. The fact is that with a clean taste and aroma of Oolong tea is good can get a decent case. In order to assess them in full, you need a good workout. That is, quite simply, such teas can have pretty drink, but this condition is not always and not everyone can comply with. But to feel the harmony of the changing taste and flavor of each.
So. First comes the aroma – when you dry tea it has a pronounced 'burnt' notes – and everything else depends on the variety. At the second acquaintance – washed tea – these burnt notes suddenly sweeeet and the tea gets so strong and unusual herbal scent that it can't even find the right adjectives. Or rather, epithets and Association depend not only on teas, but from man. Don't forget that when Dating with a dry tea done and washed two breaths and scents of the first and second breaths also differ – and this difference should try to catch.
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